Available French Bulldogs
This is the page I post expected litters and available adults to adopt
For more information on what makes a breeder reputable, pricing and availability of puppies
send email to artbug222@yahoo.com.

I have a list of reputable breeder friends who breed health tested quality dogs.
Send me an email with Breeder Referral Request in the title to
Be patient and wait for a puppy from a good breeder, it's worth it!

Breeder friend Erin Dorian DVM in Atlanta, GA has 2 litters bred due Sept. 2024
If you are interested Contact Erin at erinford23@gmail.com
Maxime French Bulldogs
No Maxime Pups at this time
Since I breed for health and the show ring Health testing is done on all puppies for congenital diseases of:
D218 Hereditary CataractD243
I have x-rays done of the spines to determine if the puppy will have any physical limitations during his/her lifetime. New owners are given a radio graph via email
Microchips implanted.
My sales contract offers a 5 year health guarantee.
Price: 4000 Pet home and 4500 Show home
To apply for a future puppy please fill out an application
Finding a healthy quality French Bulldog to join your family can be difficult for new comers to the breed. Frenchies are every where now and it is important you understand there is more to consider than looks and price and the cheapest puppy you can find can be the most expensive dog you ever own due to costly veterinary care over its lifetime. In an effort to help I have an informative email with reputable breeder referral links, health testing you should look for in the puppy you buy and how to tell good breeders from bad. So email me at artbug222@yahoo.com subject Breed Information, Pricing and Referrals .
To view items you will need for your new puppy, as well as food recommendations and a brief overview of health concerns for the breed go to the HEALTH ISSUES page of my site.

Check this page often since this is where we post upcoming Maxime litters.
PLEASE Note: I DO NOT SHIP PUPPIES. New owners must pick up their puppy in person from my home. French Bulldogs are sensitive to heat and it is not safe to ship this breed in temperatures above 70 degrees. Puppy Mills and Brokers ship puppies because they are a commodity to them and they do not care if the puppy dies. If someone is willing to ship you a puppy, you do not want that puppy.
I am also happy to answer questions about the breed and recommend other breeders across the country.
Puppies of the past
